Schlossfestspiele Ludwigsburg




JOHANNES BRAHMS »Ein deutsches Requiem« op. 45

1st movement »Selig sind, die da Leid tragen« & 2nd movement »Denn alles Fleisch, es ist wie Gras«

Version for soli, mixed choir and piano four hands, arranged by PHILIP MOLL

Rundfunkchor Berlin
Gijs Leenaars Musical direction
Jochen Sandig Concept and direction
Philip Mayers, Angela Gassenhuber Piano

Ilka Seifert, Sasha Waltz Dramaturgy
Davide Camplani, Claudia de Serpa Soares Artistic collaboration
Brad Hwang Space

Jörg Bittner Lighting design


Daniel Koppelkamm DOP/ Steadicam

Bettina Borgfeld Camera

Holger Schwark Sound

Luis Koppelkamm 1st Steadicam- Assistant

Kolja Seibold 1st camera assistant

Laura Jaburek 2nd camera assistant

Klaus-Peter Venn Head lighting technician

Gerhardt Philipp Lighting technician

Bobby Good Editing

Jan Schöningh Colour Grading

[This text has been translated electronically] The installation was commissioned by the Office of the Federal President in the context of the Central Corona Commemoration on 18 April 2021. For this purpose Jochen Sandig has restaged the »Human Requiem«. Under the musical direction of Gijs Leenaars, the Rundfunkchor Berlin opens a topical discourse on the devastating consequences of Corona with the first two movements of »Ein deutsches Requiem« by Johannes Brahms. Scenically, the themes of isolation and distance are illustrated, but also expresses the core message of the work – consolation and hope.

show overview