
MICHELANGELO FALVETTI »Il diluvio universale« Oratorio for choir, orchestra and soloists, Libretto by Vincenzo Giattini

Mariana Flores Soprano

Valerio Contaldo Tenor

Matteo Bellotto Bass

Cécile Achille Soprano

Ana Vieira Leite Soprano

Anthea Pichanick Alto

Kacper Szelążek Countertenor

Chœur de Chambre de Namur

Cappella Mediterranea

Leonardo García Alarcón Musical Direction

Leonardo García Alarcón is a master of rediscoveries: »Il diluvio universal« had been forgotten for over three centuries before the conductor brought it back to life with his Cappella Mediterranea in 2010. The retelling of the Old Testament Flood and the salvation of biodiversity by Noah's ark brims with imagination and gripping drama. García Alarcón describes the oratorio by the Baroque composer Michelangelo Falvetti as a rousing »deluge of emotions«. Between rising tide and raging waves, a maelstrom emerges that appeals even more clearly to our actions against the backdrop of the mounting catastrophic floods.

Image © Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

dates and tickets


26 May



1,5–2 hours

Karten 25 ⁄ 33 ⁄ 42 ⁄ 51 ⁄ 59 € Festspielgäste in Ausbildung 15 €

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