Schlossfestspiele Ludwigsburg



Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

Diana Busch has been a social worker in the counselling centre of the Frauen für Frauen association in Ludwigsburg for four years. For the past 40 years the association has offered a range of educational, cultural and counselling services to provide support for women and children who have been victims of violence or have eating disorders, as well as advice in divorce cases or simply in times of need. They run a women's shelter in three different places, the addresses kept confidential for the protection of those who have sought refuge  from domestic violence.

In 2015, Diana Busch directed a special project in the initiative »Unterstützung von Frauen mit Fluchterfahrung« [support for women with refugee experience]. In the course of this work, an almost 10m-long tapestry was created by women from different parts of the world, in an artistic sewing workshop headed by Ulrike Ehrenberg. The idea was to give women without adequate knowledge of German the opportunity of relating their experiences in pictures.

A production of the Ludwigsburg Festival 2020

Konrad Amrhein – idea & concept / Jasmin Astaki-Bardeh – camera & sound / Adrian Huber – camera & sound / Felix Länge – editing / Jonas Urbat und Maria Reich als #LeakIt – music

In cooperation with Ludwigsburg city, the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg, Engagement Global – and the Ruprecht Foundation

show overview