
DJ 5ter Ton

He created his first mixes in his childhood bedroom. Alexander Scheffel, alias DJ 5ter Ton, grew up with the sounds of Neue Deutsche Welle, breakdance and hip-hop influenced by Stuttgart's West and Mitte youth centres. Together with Jean-Christoph Ritter, aka Schowi, João dos Santos, aka Ju and Wasilios Ntuanoglu, known as Wasi, they founded the band »Massive Töne« in 1991 and initiated the Stuttgart »Kolchose« with other active members of the scene. In 1996 they toured Germany, Austria and Switzerland with their first album, »Kopfnicker«. When hip-hop moved into the clubs at the end of the 90s, the band became an integral part of nightlife and the festival stages of the 2000s. Their hit »Cruisen« stayed in the German charts for 17 weeks. As DJ 5ter Ton, Alexander Scheffel is also in demand internationally as a solo artist. 

DJ 5ter Ton

© Joris Haas