
Kunstzentrum Karlskaserne


The former barracks with its old brick buildings and chestnut trees is not only a concert venue, but also houses numerous rooms with workshops for visual arts, dance, theatre and music. The Reithalle is a venue for innovative concerts of the Schlossfestspiele.

© Boris Pius Müller

Kunstzentrum Karlskaserne

Hindenburgstrasse 29

71638 Ludwigsburg

Website of the Kunstzentrum Karlskaserne

Google Maps

VVS information

Public transport

Stop »Landratsamt« (bus 421, 533)


For indoor events, parking is available in the inner courtyard of the Kunstzentrum Karlskaserne. In the event that the inner courtyard is used for an event, please use the surrounding parking spaces.


The event rooms in the Karlskaserne are barrier-free.

There is a barrier-free WC in the foyer of the riding hall.