
17Goals Space in the court d'honneur

Do it for yourself and the environment

In the 17 colours of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the former overseas container stands out against the castle backdrop in the cour d'honneur and, with its signal colours, invites visitors to meet and playfully engage with the 17 goals. The so-called 17Goals Space will open its container door daily from 5 May to 5 June.

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations have served as a guideline for the Ludwigsburg Festival since the beginning of Jochen Sandig's directorship. Making these goals tangible in a playful way is a sensible addition made possible by Engagement Global's 17Goals Space. The former overseas container was transformed into an event and information space that uses playful elements to provide information about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and offers suggestions on what each individual can do to achieve them.

From 5 May to 5 June, you can visit the 17Goals Space in the court d'honneur of the Ludwigsburg Festival. The team will be on hand all day to offer advice and support. If you not only want to inform yourself, but also have concrete ideas in the field of sustainable development, we would like to give you the opportunity to present your projects and initiatives. A slot of one hour is available for this purpose. During the week from 4 to 5 pm and on weekends from 3 to 4 pm.

You can also use the 17Goals Space to offer a workshop or just to create a meeting space. There are no limits to the format ideas, and we would be happy to discuss potential formats with you. If you are interested, please contact Dr Bettina Sluzalek:

You can look forward to these program items at 17Goals Space:

[Canceled due to severe weather warning] Monday, May 23, 4–5 pm: Successful with Fairtrade for SDGs

Unfortunately, due to a severe weather warning, this slot cannot be offered. Feel free to come on Friday 27 May.

Friday, May 27, 4–5 pm: Successful for SDGs with Fairtrade

Short films and personal interviews are used to promote how consumers can easily contribute to the achievement of the SDGs with Fairtrade.

Saturday, May 28, 3–4 pm: 17 Goals Workshop

The workshop will present the 17 goals and put them into a broader context. Various best practice projects will be presented and participants will consider how the 17 goals can be incorporated into the work of those present.

Sunday, May 29, 3–4 pm: Fairtrade and SDGs

The Fairtrade Agenda Group Ludwigsburg presents its work. More information will follow.

[Cancelled due to illness] Wednesday, June 1, 4–5 pm: World Child Forum

Cancelled due to illness.

Since every action taken in the world affects children, it is indispensable for the survival of humanity to stand up for them. This is the task of the World Child Forum, which will present its work this Wednesday.

On the 17Goals blog you will find further exciting background information on the work of Engagement Global as well as on our cooperation.

To the blog

The box office for the »Monrepos Open Air« opens at 5 pm +++ The box office for the »Monrepos Open Air« opens at 5 pm +++ The box office for the »Monrepos Open Air« opens at 5 pm +++ The box office for the »Monrepos Open Air« opens at 5 pm +++ The box office for the »Monrepos Open Air« opens at 5 pm +++ The box office for the »Monrepos Open Air« opens at 5 pm +++