
Freundeskreis (Friends)

The Friends have supported the Ludwigsburg Festival for 27 years. The members also support the »Baden-Württemberg International Festival« and, thus, the endeavour to bring together diverse cultural and artistic positions. 

The Friends contribute to securing and realising the extraordinary and groundbreaking festival programme through its idealistic and financial commitment. This commitment enables the popular concert series »Frei Luft Musik« to be held every Friday from May to July on the market square - free of charge for all visitors. Another focus of the circle of friends is to give young people access to art and music.

Convinced of the creative power of the arts, the Friends feel connected to the Ludwigsburg Festival and its programme. Members enjoy a unique proximity to the festival, receive priority when purchasing tickets, receive personal programme presentations and meet festival participants. As ambassadors and multipliers, the Friends bring their enthusiasm for the arts, people and encounters to the centre of society.

Board of Directors

Michal Finkbeiner (Chairman)

Stefanie Knecht (Vice Chairwoman)

Jochen Haller

Lena Heil

Anette Spitzenpfeil

Dr. Thomas Wüst


Friends of the Ludwigsburg Schlossfestspiele e.V.

Marstallstrasse 5, 71634 Ludwigsburg, Germany

Telephone (07141) 939 670

What we offer our members:

- Program presentations by the artistic director

   in the Palais Grävenitz

- Pre-booking rights for all events

- Up-to-date information thanks to the Festival newsletter

- Free program booklet

- Friends service telephone

- Insights behind the scenes:

   Visits to rehearsals, introductions to works

- Artist receptions after the concert

- Friends’ party in the Grävenitz Garden

- Joint excursions to other cultural events

- Contact and events with other cultural circles of friends

The Circle of Friends supports the following projects in 2024

- Frei Luft Musik

- Generation Zukunft Musik

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