Parking recommendations
Please familiarize yourself with the city of Ludwigsburg’s parking guidance system before you arrive and allow sufficient time to find a parking space. We recommend that you travel by public transport.
Schlossstraße 30, only for evening events in the Residenzschloss, open from one hour before the start of the event, evening flat rate: € 5.
Parking garage Marstall
Charlottenstraße, Mon to Sun 0-24 hrs, 1st hour rate: €1, each additional hour: €1.20, maximum daily rate: €10 (€5 on Sundays)
Parking lot Bärenwiese / Forum
Friedrich-Ebert-Straße, Mon to Sun 0-24 hrs, tariff 1st hour: €1, each additional hour: €0.50, maximum daily rate: €4, evening flat rate: Mon to Sun 6-7 hrs: €3. To avoid waiting times, you can purchase the evening flat rate before the event.
Please note: Parking is restricted during the Pferdemarkt (31 May to 2 June). Please use the surrounding car parks (Rathausgarage).
Mathildenstraße 27/1, Mon to Sat 6:30-22:30, Sun and public holidays 10-20, exit 24 hours, rate from 19 h: 1st hour €1.50, each additional hour: €0.50, Sundays: €0.50 per hour
Akademiehof garage
Akademiehof 15, Mon to Sat 7-22:30, Sun and public holidays 10-20, exit 24 hours, rate from 19 h: 1st hour € 1.50, each additional hour: € 0.50, Sundays: € 0.50 per hour
Solitude parking garage
Solitudestraße 24, Mon to Sat 6:30-22:30, Sun and public holidays 10-20, exit 24 hours, rate from 19 h: 1st hour € 1.50, each additional hour: € 0.50, Sundays: € 0.50 per hour
Karlskaserne parking lot
Hindenburgstraße 29/1, Mon-Sun can only be used free of charge during evening events in the Karlskaserne.