

Eva Luise Köhler

and Prof. Dr. Horst Köhler

Former Federal President

Board of Trustees

This committee acts entirely in the spirit of the Latin verb curare: to care for and nurture. Under the patronage of H.R.H. Michael Herzog von Württemberg, it actively supports the sponsoring association of the Ludwigsburg Festival. On the one hand, the circle of curators includes ambassadors, such as representatives from the fields of culture and politics, who open doors and facilitate new contacts with idealistic and financial supporters. On the other hand, they include art patrons who promote and make projects possible with their annual financial contributions. The members of the Board of Trustees support the Ludwigsburg Festival with generous donations, thus making a significant contribution to the realization of new ideas and visions. Together they are promoters, central impulse givers and prominent multipliers for the goals of a festival of the arts, democracy and sustainability.


Supporting association of the Ludwigsburger Schlossfestspiele e.V.

Marstallstraße 5, 71634 Ludwigsburg, Germany

HRH Michael Duke of Württemberg (Patron)

Dr. Ralf Hofmann

(Chairman and Member of the Supervisory Board of Ludwigsburg Festival)

Claudia Diem

(Vice Chairwoman and Deputy Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board of Ludwigsburg Festival)

Ute Stihl

(Vice Chairwoman)


Hans Jochen Henke Honorary (Chairman)

Lawyer, former State Secretary

Helmut Nanz †
(Honorary Chairman)

Prof. Wolfgang Gönnenwein †

Former artistic director of the Ludwigsburg Festival


Steffen Bilger

Member of the German Bundestag

Dr. Susanne Eisenmann

Dr. Ulrike Groos

Director of the Kunstmuseum Stuttgart

Jens Kenserski

Managing Director of pulsmacher GmbH

Jürgen Kessing

Lord Mayor of the City of Bietigheim-Bissingen

Prof. Dr. Ralf Kitzberger


Dr. Matthias Knecht

Lord Mayor of the City of Ludwigsburg

Heiko Lebherz

Mayor of the city of Haigerloch

Peter Müller

Mayor of the municipality of Wolfegg

Ina Nolte

Head of of the Personnel, Education and Culture Department of the City of Wertheim

Petra Olschowski

Minister for Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg

Prof. Thomas Schadt

Managing Director of the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH

Christoph Schmitz

Head of the Music Department of Deutschlandfunk

Konrad Seigfried 

First Mayor of the City of Ludwigsburg (retired)

Werner Spec

Lord Mayor of the City of Ludwigsburg (retired)

Matthias Wissmann


Sigrid Zimmerling

Managing Director of the IHK Ludwigsburg


Senator E. h. Dr. Helmut Baur

Consul General of Malaysia

Hans-Jürgen Fink

Dr. Wolfgang Frank

Attorney at Law and Notary Public (retired)

Jochen Haller

Managing Director of the IHK Ludwigsburg (retired)

Senator h. c. Dorothea Haller-Laible

Honorary Consul of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Baden-Württemberg

Dr.-Ing. Stefan Hartung
Chairman of the Board of Management of Robert Bosch GmbH

Bernd Hertweck

Chairman of the Management Board of Wüstenrot Bausparkasse AG

Florian Kaiser

Managing Director of SATA GmbH & Co. KG

Adolf Katz

Manager and owner of the bakery and confectionery Adolf KATZ

Andreas Keim

Partner EY Ernst & Young GmbH

Frank Kraaz

Member of the Board of Managing Directors of VR-Bank Ludwigsburg eG

Ulrich Kraft

Managing Director of ARTA Management für das Handwerk GmbH & Co.

Dr. Nicola Leibinger-Kammüller

Chairwoman of the Managing Board of TRUMPF SE + Co. KG

Jean Samuel Lin

Sales Director Central Asia & Asia-Pacific, GOETZE KG Armaturen

Prof. Dr. Wulf D. von Lucius

Brigitte Mahle

Lutz Meschke

Vice Chairman of the Board of Management and Member of the Board of Management Finance and IT of Dr. Ing. h. c.F. Porsche AG

Helmut Cornelius Nanz

Managing Director of Nanz Stiftung & Co KG

Ralf Pöndl

Heinrich Schmid GmbH & Co KG

Joachim E. Schielke

Chairman of the Management Board of the Wüstenrot Stiftung

Dr. Heinz-Werner Schulte

Chairman of the Management Board of Kreissparkasse Ludwigsburg

Michael Traub

Chairman of the Executive Board of Stihl AG & Co. KG

Gerhard Ulmer

Publisher at Ungeheuer & Ulmer KG GmbH & Co.

Andreas Veit

Managing Director Wohnungsbau Ludwigsburg GmbH

H.S.H. Johannes Prince of Waldburg-Wolfegg and Waldsee

Prof. Dr. med. Dr. habil. Philip H. Zeplin MHBA

Managing Director and Medical Director of Schlosspark Klinik Ludwigsburg GmbH & Co. KG

Marc Zimmermann

Managing Director of MHP Management- und IT-Beratung GmbH


The Ruprecht Foundation supports the following projects in 2023

​- Discounted Tickets for Festspielgäste in Ausbildung

- Fest Spiel Ouvertüre

- Monrepos Open Air

The Wüstenrot Foundation supports the following projects in 2024

- Sasha Waltz Beethoven

- Fazıl Say & Friends

- Fazıl Say Late Night

- Fazıl Say Solo

- Quatuor Ebène Waves

- Renaud Capuçon Schumann

- Wie klingt Heimat?

- Anastasia Kobekina Vivaldi

- Asmik Grigorian Lieder recital

- Alexandre Kantorow Piano

- VOCES8 Sing Along

- VOCES8 meets Chanticleer

- VOCES8 Evening Song

The Heidehof Foundation supports the following projects in 2024

- Mini Mal Mut

The Art, Culture and Education Foundation of KSK Ludwigsburg supports the following projects in 2024

- Generation Future Music

The Baden-Württemberg Stiftung supports the following projects in 2024

- Renaud Capuçon Schumann

-- Wie klingt Heimat?

Municipal partners

Media partners

Regional partners

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